Just take the whole day…

May 30, 2010 at 1:14 pm (Clip of the Day, JJ, Oldie) (, , , )

For your Sunday viewing pleasure, we have one of the all time great jazz classics, The Dave Brubeck Quartet’s “Take Five”. This song has always reminded me of a smooth cruise through a busy city. It reflects the quiet majesty of American life and the hustle and bustle of hundreds of bodies moving with purpose through the streets.

Note the interplay between the musicians and how they instinctively know when to follow each other through each improvisational turn. Professionally played jazz brought the beauty of improvisation, a musical conversation, to music. It is very much an American stretching of the traditional rules.

Enjoy your Sunday.


  1. izziedarling said,

    I have always loved this … thank you for reminding me. Ahhhhh….

  2. theexiled00 said,

    Our pleasure 🙂

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